Consumer & Gadgets

On Leap Year Day, Raspberry Pi 4 cost is sliced

The Raspberry Pi is putting a cherry on top of its 8th anniversary cake by offering its popular top-of-the-line computer module for just $35. It's a remarkable offer for a company that thrust itself onto the computer scene ...


Using small drones to measure wind speeds in the polar regions

Drones and similar small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAVs) have seen a massive surge in popularity over the past few years due to their innovative applications, such as crop monitoring, search and rescue operations, and coast ...


A universe of sensors on an all-in-one wireless platform

Smart fabrication, smart logistics, or smart farming: Distributed networks of sensors are working hard for us every single day. In the past, every application needed a custom solution to run the sensors and process the data. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Mini-fuel cell delivers maximum performance

EPFL startup INERGIO has just unveiled a prototype for a lightweight, eco-friendly, high-performance fuel cell that can supply energy in situations where there's no power grid. Its system can be used to run delivery drones, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Making wind power more predictable

A computer model that uses existing weather data to map long-term wind patterns at prospective wind turbine sites could help energy companies set up wind turbines more quickly and less expensively. The model eliminates the ...

Energy & Green Tech

AI unlocks new solar energy horizons in China

In a new study published in the Journal of Remote Sensing in February 2024, researchers utilized data augmentation alongside the LightGBM machine learning model for the estimation of both diffuse and direct solar radiation. ...

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