Hi Tech & Innovation

ChatGPT bot passes US law school exam

A chatbot powered by reams of data from the internet has passed exams at a US law school after writing essays on topics ranging from constitutional law to taxation and torts.

Computer Sciences

Bolstering AI by tapping human testers

Advances in artificial intelligence depend on continual testing of massive amounts of data. This benchmark testing allows researchers to determine how "intelligent" AI is, spot weaknesses and then develop stronger, smarter ...

Computer Sciences

AI system finds, moves items in constricted regions

Artificial intelligence is being applied to virtually every aspect of our work and recreational lives. From determining calculations for the construction of towering skyscrapers to designing and building cruise ships the ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Creating a drag-friendly garment that changes in real time

Sarah Aguasvivas Manzano and her team's latest work has real-world, practical use. Wearable technology is being explored in the space industry for astronauts and big tech companies are eager for improvements to the inter-connected ...


Google launches Gemini, upping the stakes in the global AI race

Google took its next leap in artificial intelligence Wednesday with the launch of project Gemini, an AI model trained to behave in human-like ways that's likely to intensify the debate about the technology's potential promise ...

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