Energy & Green Tech

Solar panels go into service near North Pole

Norway has installed solar panels in its Svalbard archipelago, a region plunged in round-the-clock darkness all winter, in a pilot project that could help remote Arctic communities transition to green energy.

Energy & Green Tech

Solar, wind energy struggle as coronavirus takes toll

The U.S. renewable energy industry is reeling from the new coronavirus pandemic, which has delayed construction, put thousands of skilled laborers out of work and sowed doubts about solar and wind projects on the drawing ...

Energy & Green Tech

Work starts on wind farm off New England's southern coast

Construction has started on a wind project with turbines off the coasts of New York and Rhode Island that is expected to produce enough power for about 70,000 homes, officials announced Friday.

Energy & Green Tech

US to open California coast to wind power

The US government is set to open California's Pacific coast to offshore wind farms, officials announced Tuesday, adding to the approval of the nation's biggest wind project to date off Massachusetts.

Energy & Green Tech

Biden approves largest offshore wind project in US history

President Joe Biden's administration on Tuesday approved a plan to build the United States' largest ever offshore wind farm, which would power hundreds of thousands of homes with clean energy.

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