
Bird-like wings could help drones keep stable in gusts

Wings that can vary their shapes as freely as birds' wings could have advantages for small aircraft in built environments, a new study led by engineers at the University of Michigan suggests.


Raptor-inspired drone with morphing wing and tail

The northern goshawk is a fast, powerful raptor that flies effortlessly through forests. This bird was the design inspiration for the next-generation drone developed by scientists of the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems ...


Butterfly wings inspiring next-gen technological innovations

The catastrophic effects of global environmental degradation, health deterioration and diminishing energy resources are demanding remedy measures aimed at environmental conservation, health interventions and harnessing of ...


Sounds of mosquito mating rituals could lead to quieter drones

Mosquitoes flap their wings not just to stay aloft but for two other critical purposes: to generate sound and to point that buzz in the direction of a potential mate, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered.


Wing app for drone traffic safety gets nod in Australia

Delivery drones zipping across skies is a business model that can work if there is a safety system in place for avoiding collisions. Think major events such as sporting matches, concerts and emergency response incidents. ...

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