
Mapping where the wind blows in worker dormitories

In Singapore, one group affected by the pandemic early on were the foreign workers, especially during 2020's spike in COVID-19 cases in dormitories. While several factors have been cited as factors driving the spike, the ...


Toyota joins opposition to proposed US EV tax credit

Toyota urged Washington on Tuesday not to "play politics" with environmental issues by offering tax credits for US-made electric vehicles, joining a chorus of foreign opposition to the issue.


Google gives workers tool for remote work planning

Google on Tuesday unveiled a platform that lets its workers calculate pay and benefits for remote work, and how this would change if they move to a cheaper—or more expensive—city.

Consumer & Gadgets

Exosuit concept peeks at the future of wearable tech

Karl E. Zelik, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and recent Ph.D. graduate Erik P. Lamers revealed a new exosuit designed to bring back relief to workers who have been under high strain throughout the pandemic, ...

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One of the construction trades, traditionally considered unskilled manual labor (as opposed to skilled labor). In the division of labor, laborers have all blasting, hand tools, power tools, air tools, and small heavy equipment, and act as assistants to other trades , e.g. operators or cement masons. The first century BC engineer Vitruvius writes in detail about laborer practices at that time. In his experience a good crew of laborers is just as valuable as any other aspect of construction. Other than the addition of pneumatics, laborer practices have changed little. With the advent of advanced technology and its introduction into the construction field, the laborers have been quick to include much of this technology as being laborers work.

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