
Record-setting super shoes are here to stay, say experts

Derided by purists, evangelised by innovators: "super shoes" are the tools of the trade for today's athletes and will continue to radically change the landscape of track and road running, experts have told AFP.

Energy & Green Tech

Perovskite solar modules: High efficiency on a large surface area

From cell to module without loss of efficiency: This is one of the main challenges of perovskite photovoltaics. Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have now managed to produce perovskite solar modules with ...


Building a digital archive for decaying paper documents

Paper documents are still priceless records of the past, even in a digital world. Primary sources stored in local archives throughout Latin America, for example, describe a centuries-old multiethnic society grappling with ...

Computer Sciences

How knitting won the war

Craftivists have been savvy cryptographers for aeons longer than any computing geek.

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