
Electronics & Semiconductors

Chemists develop polymer cathodes for ultrafast batteries

In the face of the surging demand for lithium-ion batteries and limited lithium reserves, scientists are searching for alternatives to the lithium technology. Russian researchers from Skoltech, D. Mendeleev University, and ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Darkness from light

Microresonators are small glass structures in which light can circulate and build up in intensity. Due to material imperfections, some amount of light is reflected backwards, which is disturbing their function. Researchers ...


Eurostar urges state support as virus wipes out train traffic

Eurostar, whose train services through the Channel Tunnel have been decimated by the coronavirus pandemic, has called on the UK government to provide it with the same financial support handed to grounded airlines over concerns ...


Samsung chief jailed for 2.5 years over corruption scandal

The de facto chief of South Korea's Samsung business empire was convicted Monday over a huge corruption scandal and jailed for two and a half years, in a ruling that deprives the tech giant of its top decision-maker.

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