

OpenAI backs idea of requiring licenses for advanced AI systems

An internal policy memo drafted by OpenAI shows the company supports the idea of requiring government licenses from anyone who wants to develop advanced artificial intelligence systems. The document also suggests the company ...


Amazon invests $120 million in internet satellite facility

Amazon said Friday it will invest $120 million to build a satellite construction facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, as part of its plans to launch a space internet service to rival SpaceX's Starlink.


Biden secures tech safety pledges over 'enormous' AI risks

President Joe Biden evoked AI's "enormous" risk and promise Friday at a White House meeting with tech leaders who committed to guarding against everything from cyber-attacks to fraud as the sector revolutionizes society.


How to make homes cooler without cranking up the air conditioning

Temperatures around the world are soaring. Both California's Death Valley and China's Xinjiang region have seen temperatures climb above the 50℃ mark. A blistering heat wave is also sweeping across the Mediterranean, causing ...

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