
Machine learning & AI

Building computer vision in the kitchen

Imagine watching a pizza chef going about his work in a kitchen. You see him: weigh flour before adding water and yeast to it; knead the mixture into a dough; leave it to rise while he slices pepperoni and other toppings; ...

Machine learning & AI

A faster way to optimize deep learning models

AI and its related terms are now fairly well known. Many people have heard of terms such as "neural network" and may even associate "CNN" with "Convolutional Neural Network" instead of the news organization. Those with more ...


Designing environments that are robot-inclusive

Humans and robots are increasingly interacting within built environments such as cities, buildings, walkways, and parks. Offering adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, robots are gradually being integrated into ...


Enhancement of guided thermal image super-resolution approaches

Researchers if CIDIS at ESPOL Polytechnic University have developed a new method to enhance thermal image super-resolution by employing synthetic imagery. This novel approach utilizes high-resolution images from the visible ...

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