
Computer Sciences

How easy is it to get AIs to talk like a partisan?

Recently, stories about AI have been leading the news, including deals about publications licensing their content, or content errors made by AI. Now, a new paper by computer science Ph.D. student Kai Chen, Professor Kristina ...


Using AI to help drones find lost hikers

A trio of engineers at the University of Glasgow has designed and built an AI-based drone system that can assist in search efforts for hikers lost in the wilderness. Jan-Hendrik Ewers, David Anderson, and Douglas Thomson ...


African tech startups cater to continent's needs

African startups, addressing overlooked needs, are putting the spotlight on a burgeoning tech scene, despite challenges like inequality and limited digitalization.


Foxconn eyes 40 percent global AI server market share

Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn said Friday its global market for artificial intelligence servers is expected to increase to 40 percent this year, with AI products being the main driver for growth.

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