

Laser polishes 3D-printed metal parts better than ever before

Researchers from Skoltech and MEPhI have devised a laser polishing technique that effectively removes both surface roughness and subsurface pores in intricately shaped metal parts manufactured with a 3D printer. Described ...

Energy & Green Tech

Making hydrogen out of thin air

A team of researchers at the University of Melbourne, working with a colleague from the University of Manchester, has developed a device that can use humidity from the air to make hydrogen gas. In their paper published in ...


Collaborative machine learning that preserves privacy

Training a machine-learning model to effectively perform a task, such as image classification, involves showing the model thousands, millions, or even billions of example images. Gathering such enormous datasets can be especially ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Gen Z smartphone addiction can boost compulsive buying

People born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s—so-called generation Z—face many financial challenges, from more expensive housing to lower wages. Many are already delaying life plans such as buying a home and saving ...

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