Computer Sciences news

Electronics & Semiconductors

Possible end of Moore's Law: Engineers discuss consequences and opportunities

In 1965, Gordon Moore defined a relationship between cadence and cost for computing innovation that came to be known as "Moore's Law." This rule both described and inspired the exponential growth that built the Information ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithm improves how AI can independently learn and uncover patterns in data

Researchers have developed a new AI algorithm, called Torque Clustering, that is much closer to natural intelligence than current methods. It significantly improves how AI systems learn and uncover patterns in data independently, ...

Computer Sciences

Machine learning approach enhances emotion detection accuracy

Facial emotion recognition could have broad applications across health care, education, marketing, transportation, and entertainment. It might be used to help monitor patients remotely or in overstretched hospitals or emergency ...

Computer Sciences

Psychology-based tasks assess multi-modal LLM visual cognition limits

Over the past decades, computer scientists have created increasingly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) models, some of which can perform similarly to humans on specific tasks. The extent to which these models truly "think" ...

Computer Sciences

Computer scientists digitally render iridescent bird feathers

Computer animators and video game designers may soon have a better way to create the purple-green sheen of a grackle's wing, or the pink flash on a hummingbird's throat, thanks to a new method for rendering iridescent feathers.

Computer Sciences

Researchers conduct survey on deduplication systems

A review published in the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing has investigated ways in which the increasing problem of duplicate data in computer storage systems might be addressed. Solutions to this problem ...

Computer Sciences

A new framework to improve high computing performance

From a luxury to a day-to-day necessity, computing isn't quite what it used to be. As applications like machine learning and 5G mobile networks become the norm, the need for high computing performance has never been greater. ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers develop a new way to instruct dance in virtual reality

Researchers at Aalto University were looking for better ways to instruct dance choreography in virtual reality. The new WAVE technique they developed will be presented in May at the CHI conference for human-computer interaction ...

Computer Sciences

Computer scientists unveil novel attacks on cybersecurity

Researchers have found two novel types of attacks that target the conditional branch predictor found in high-end Intel processors, which could be exploited to compromise billions of processors currently in use.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Holographic displays offer a glimpse into an immersive future

Setting the stage for a new era of immersive displays, researchers are one step closer to mixing the real and virtual worlds in an ordinary pair of eyeglasses using high-definition 3D holographic images, according to a study ...

Computer Sciences

New mitigation framework reduces bias in classification outcomes

We use computers to help us make (hopefully) unbiased decisions. The problem is that machine-learning algorithms do not always make fair classifications if human bias is embedded in the data used to train them—which is ...