Computer Sciences news

Computer Sciences

Computing scheme accelerates machine learning while improving energy efficiency of traditional data operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) models like ChatGPT run on algorithms and have great appetites for data, which they process through machine learning, but what about the limits of their data-processing abilities? Researchers ...

Computer Sciences

New AI model breaks barriers in cross-modality machine vision learning

Recently, the research team led by Prof. Wang Hongqiang from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a wide-ranging cross-modality machine vision AI model.

Computer Sciences

Distinguishing real sounds from deepfakes

Deepfake videos generated by artificial intelligence grow increasingly difficult to identify as false, a challenge that could significantly skew the results of the upcoming presidential election.

Computer Sciences

Computational marathon matches the efficiency of existing platform with the power of new supercomputer

It took about 20 hours and a lot of coffee for a team of scientists from the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL to complete a computational marathon that showcased both the power of Switzerland's ...

Computer Sciences

Deep learning drives dynamic autofocus in grayscale images

Researchers from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a novel autofocus method that harnesses the power of deep learning to dynamically select regions ...

Computer Sciences

New research could make weird AI images a thing of the past

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has notoriously struggled to create consistent images, often getting details like fingers and facial symmetry wrong. Moreover, these models can completely fail when prompted to generate ...


Quantum algorithm adopted by Google and IBM

An algorithm developed by Prakash Vedula, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, has been incorporated into advanced computing software developed by Google and IBM. ...

Computer Sciences

Exploring the fundamental reasoning abilities of LLMs

Reasoning, the process through which human beings mentally process information to draw specific conclusions or solve problems, can be divided into two main categories. The first type of reasoning, known as deductive reasoning, ...

Computer Sciences

A new method to boost the speed of online databases

Hashing is a core operation in most online databases, like a library catalog or an e-commerce website. A hash function generates codes that replace data inputs. Since these codes are shorter than the actual data, and usually ...


New 'traffic cop' algorithm helps a drone swarm stay on task

How fresh are your data? For drones searching a disaster zone or robots inspecting a building, working with the freshest data is key to locating a survivor or reporting a potential hazard. But when multiple robots simultaneously ...

Computer Sciences

A new and better way to create word lists

Word lists are the basis of so much research in so many fields. Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub have now developed an algorithm that can be applied to different languages and can expand word lists significantly ...

Computer Sciences

Social intelligence is the next frontier for AI, researchers say

Siri and Google Assistant may be able to schedule meetings on request, but they don't have the social understanding to independently prioritize the appointments—yet. According to researchers based in China, artificial intelligence ...


Computer scientists paint a picture of six decades of movies

From the sepia tones of a Coen brothers film set in the Dust Bowl to a child's red coat in "Schindler's List," filmmakers have long known the power of color in movies. Now, computer scientists have analyzed 60 years of films ...

Computer Sciences

Designing a 'neural puppeteer' to recognize skeletal nodes

Imagine for a moment, that we are on a safari watching a giraffe graze. After looking away for a second, we then see the animal lower its head and sit down. But, we wonder, what happened in the meantime? Computer scientists ...

Computer Sciences

Digital twins offer researchers access to new knowledge

A team of researchers at the Norwegian science institute SINTEF has developed data simulation systems that make it easier to understand exactly what enormous volumes of data are telling us. Their aim has been to convert the ...


Complex oxides could power the computers of the future

As the evolution of standard microchips is coming to an end, scientists are looking for a revolution. The big challenges are to design chips that are more energy efficient and to design devices that combine memory and logic ...

Computer Sciences

Google gives progress report on its Universal Speech Model

In November, Google announced that it was embarking on an initiative that would culminate in the development of a machine-learning model capable of recognizing and translating 1,000 of the world's most spoken languages. Over ...

Computer Sciences

Breakthrough enables perfectly secure digital communications

A group of researchers has achieved a breakthrough in secure communications by developing an algorithm that conceals sensitive information so effectively that it is impossible to detect that anything has been hidden.

Computer Sciences

Fog computing is a key technology in the era of the 'smart world'

New research published in the International Journal of Fog Computing has shed light on the importance of quality of experience (QoE) in the field of fog computing, which has traditionally focused on quality of service (QoS). ...

Computer Sciences

Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?

Turns out, even language models "think" they're biased. When prompted in ChatGPT, the response was as follows: "Yes, language models can have biases, because the training data reflects the biases present in society from which ...

Computer Sciences

What makes a neural network remember?

Computer models are an important tool for studying how the brain makes and stores memories and other types of complex information. But creating such models is a tricky business. Somehow, a symphony of signals—both biochemical ...

Computer Sciences

Zero trust in 'zero trust'

In May 2021, the President of the United States issued an executive order, initiating a government-wide effort to sure up its cybersecurity practices. The mandate tasked agencies with implementing zero-trust architectures ...

Computer Sciences

A new AI-based tool to detect DDoS attacks

Cybercriminals are coming up with increasingly savvy ways to disrupt online services, access sensitive data or crash internet user's devices. A cyber-attack that has become very common over the past decades is the so-called ...