Computer Sciences news

Computer Sciences

A new model for symbolic music generation using musical metadata

Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened new interesting opportunities for the music industry, for instance, enabling the development of tools that can automatically generate musical compositions or specific instrument tracks. ...

Computer Sciences

Bringing clarity to microscopic imaging: New tool removes motion artifacts

Imaging microscopic samples requires capturing multiple, sequential measurements, then using computational algorithms to reconstruct a single, high-resolution image. This process can work well when the sample is static, but ...

Computer Sciences

New AI model breaks barriers in cross-modality machine vision learning

Recently, the research team led by Prof. Wang Hongqiang from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a wide-ranging cross-modality machine vision AI model.


New load balancing method enhances multiplayer game performance

Online gaming is increasingly popular. As such, server efficiency is becoming an increasingly urgent priority. With millions of players interacting in real-time, game servers are under enormous pressure to process a huge ...

Computer Sciences

Distinguishing real sounds from deepfakes

Deepfake videos generated by artificial intelligence grow increasingly difficult to identify as false, a challenge that could significantly skew the results of the upcoming presidential election.

Computer Sciences

Deep learning drives dynamic autofocus in grayscale images

Researchers from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a novel autofocus method that harnesses the power of deep learning to dynamically select regions ...

Computer Sciences

New research could make weird AI images a thing of the past

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has notoriously struggled to create consistent images, often getting details like fingers and facial symmetry wrong. Moreover, these models can completely fail when prompted to generate ...


Quantum algorithm adopted by Google and IBM

An algorithm developed by Prakash Vedula, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, has been incorporated into advanced computing software developed by Google and IBM. ...

Computer Sciences

Research team formalizes novel data stream processing concept

A team of collaborators from the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Google Inc., Snowflake Inc. and Ververica GmbH has tested a computing concept that could help speed up real-time processing of data ...

Computer Sciences

The age of exascale and the future of supercomputing

Argonne looks to exascale and beyond, sorting out the relationship between computing and experimental facilities, the need for speed and AI's role in making it all work.

Computer Sciences

Identifying individual proteins using nanopores and supercomputers

The amount and types of proteins our cells produce tell us important details about our health and how our bodies work. But the methods we have of identifying and quantifying individual proteins are inadequate to the task. ...


New feature adaptation of Github Discussions

How is a newly added feature on the website GitHub, which is a website essential for many software developers used and utilized? A study led by Shinshu University Associate Professor Hideaki Hata performed an exploratory ...

Computer Sciences

AI behind deepfakes may power materials design innovations

The person staring back from the computer screen may not actually exist, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) capable of generating convincing but ultimately fake images of human faces. Now this same technology may power ...

Computer Sciences

How figurative language confuses chatbots

Computer scientists recently examined the performance of dialog systems, such as personal assistants and chatbots designed to interact with humans. The team found that when these systems are confronted with dialog that includes ...

Computer Sciences

i-Cave: The future of moving forward

Can you develop a vehicle that can drive both cooperatively, that is, in a column with others, and autonomously? This is the central question of the research program i-Cave, which started in 2015. Now, five years later, the ...