Computer Sciences news


Research team develops hardware architecture for post-quantum cryptography

Integrating post-quantum security algorithms into hardware has long been considered a challenge. But a research team at TU Graz has now developed hardware for NIST post-quantum cryptography standards with additional security ...

Computer Sciences

How AI is improving simulations with smarter sampling techniques

Imagine you're tasked with sending a team of football players onto a field to assess the condition of the grass (a likely task for them, of course). If you pick their positions randomly, they might cluster together in some ...

Computer Sciences

The problem with new claims that Marlowe's Doctor Faustus was co-written by a forgotten dramatist

In Shakespeare's time, about a quarter of all plays were collaboratively written by two or more dramatists. Christopher Marlowe's classic work "Doctor Faustus" was first performed in the 1580s or early 1590s but only published ...

Computer Sciences

Computing scheme accelerates machine learning while improving energy efficiency of traditional data operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) models like ChatGPT run on algorithms and have great appetites for data, which they process through machine learning, but what about the limits of their data-processing abilities? Researchers ...


New load balancing method enhances multiplayer game performance

Online gaming is increasingly popular. As such, server efficiency is becoming an increasingly urgent priority. With millions of players interacting in real-time, game servers are under enormous pressure to process a huge ...

Computer Sciences

Distinguishing real sounds from deepfakes

Deepfake videos generated by artificial intelligence grow increasingly difficult to identify as false, a challenge that could significantly skew the results of the upcoming presidential election.

Computer Sciences

Deep learning drives dynamic autofocus in grayscale images

Researchers from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a novel autofocus method that harnesses the power of deep learning to dynamically select regions ...

Computer Sciences

New research could make weird AI images a thing of the past

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has notoriously struggled to create consistent images, often getting details like fingers and facial symmetry wrong. Moreover, these models can completely fail when prompted to generate ...


Quantum algorithm adopted by Google and IBM

An algorithm developed by Prakash Vedula, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, has been incorporated into advanced computing software developed by Google and IBM. ...

Computer Sciences

AI debate machine argues with itself at Cambridge Union

IBM has a Project Debater AI system that can debate humans on complex topics. A recent event to showcase its capabilities turned into pure drama as the machine proceeded to throw AI under the bus as it took both con and pro ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithms train AI to avoid specific bad behaviors

Artificial intelligence has moved into the commercial mainstream thanks to the growing prowess of machine learning algorithms that enable computers to train themselves to do things like drive cars, control robots or automate ...

Computer Sciences

Predicting people's driving personalities

Self-driving cars are coming. But for all their fancy sensors and intricate data-crunching abilities, even the most cutting-edge cars lack something that (almost) every 16-year-old with a learner's permit has: social awareness.

Computer Sciences

Engineer develops browser-based analysis framework observer

Malicious third-party advertisers or hackers expose web users to a security threat by injecting malicious JavaScript code to intercept user clicks and trick them into visiting untrusted web content. To investigate the problem ...


CyLab researchers propose new rules for Internet fairness

Just weeks after a team of Carnegie Mellon researchers showed that Google's new congestion control algorithm (CCA) was giving an unfair advantage to its own traffic over services using legacy algorithms, the same team has ...

Computer Sciences

Modeling every building in America starts with Chattanooga

Buildings use 40 percent of America's primary energy and 75 percent of its electricity, which can jump to 80 percent when a majority of the population is at home using heating or cooling systems and the seasons reach their ...


Software helps planners design walkable cities

Walkable cities reduce traffic congestion, which causes around 3.3 million deaths and $121 billion in economic losses every year. But when architects are developing pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods, they often rely on trial ...

Computer Sciences

A new parallel strategy for tackling turbulence on Summit

Turbulence, the state of disorderly fluid motion, is a scientific puzzle of great complexity. Turbulence permeates many applications in science and engineering, including combustion, pollutant transport, weather forecasting, ...

Computer Sciences

Deep Neural Network aims to improve imaging of cells

Improving the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases like cancer will require more detailed, rapid, and agile imaging technology that can show doctors not just what a specific organ looks like, but also what's happening ...

Computer Sciences

New AI model tries to synthesize patient data like doctors do

Artificial intelligence will never replace a doctor. However, researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have taken a big step toward the day when AI can help physicians predict medical ...