Energy & Green Tech news


Energy-efficient device uses solar power to turn seawater into fresh water

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have designed an energy-efficient device that produces drinking water from seawater using an evaporation process driven largely by the sun.

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...

Energy & Green Tech

Computer engineers pioneer approaches to energy-efficient supercomputing

As high-tech companies ramp up construction of massive data centers to meet the business boom in artificial intelligence, one component is becoming an increasingly rare commodity: electricity.


Can green finance effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions while promoting economic growth?

New research published in Business Strategy and the Environment based on information from G7 countries demonstrates that green finance—loans, investments, and incentives that support environmentally-friendly projects and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Silver State may become solar state under new federal plan

The U.S. is preparing for a gargantuan spike in the amount of energy it harnesses from the sun, and vastly changing the desert landscape of the Silver State's public lands is a major component of that vision.


A new reuse guide seeks to reduce material waste

The construction industry generates a lot of waste, and both rehabilitation and new projects require large amounts of materials. Currently, we mainly use new building materials, which are in turn made of mostly virgin materials.

Energy & Green Tech

The search for a thermally stable anatase for sodium-ion batteries

Electric vehicles, powered by renewable energy instead of finite fossil fuels, are the best green choice—but they could be more sustainable. As the most common power source in electric vehicles and portable electronics, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Limits of lithium extraction from thermal water

Pumping up thermal water, separating lithium, and using it to produce batteries for electric mobility—the idea of lithium as an environmentally compatible and regionally available by-product of geothermal energy plants ...

Energy & Green Tech

Increased spacing of solar panels comes with benefits

Moving rows of solar panels farther apart can increase efficiency and improve economics in certain instances by allowing greater airflow to whisk away some heat, according to a new analysis.

Energy & Green Tech

Offshore wind power gains international momentum

"We can't just wait for the technology to improve. We need to build experience and not just watch others do it first. If we're going to stay in the driver's seat, we have to develop offshore wind on a large scale. It'll be ...