Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Recovering rare earth elements from coal ash for clean energy technologies

As the world transitions away from fossil fuels, the demand for rare earth elements (REEs) is only going to increase. These elements are vital to the production of technologies that will make the transition to green energy ...

Energy & Green Tech

Discovery could lead to longer-lasting EV batteries, hasten energy transition

Batteries lose capacity over time, which is why older cellphones run out of power more quickly. This common phenomenon, however, is not completely understood.

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...

Energy & Green Tech

Assessing power system reliability in a changing grid, environment

From increasing decarbonization, electrification, and distributed generation, to more frequent extreme weather events from climate change, the electric power system is undergoing immense change. These factors impact how the ...

Energy & Green Tech

Low Rhine deepens Germany's energy crisis

A hot, dry July made worse by climate change has raised the risk that the German economy could run aground as sinking Rhine waters make shipping along the river harder.


Strengthening Puerto Rico's power grid

When Hurricane Maria, a Category 4 storm with 155-mph winds, made a direct hit on Puerto Rico in 2017, it ravaged the island's power grid and caused the longest blackout in U.S. history. Maria left many residents without ...

Energy & Green Tech

Could cargo bike deliveries help green e-commerce?

As the world moves toward decarbonization, every option for slashing humanity's carbon footprint must be on the table. As it stands, transport represents almost a quarter of Europe's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with the ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

The Internet of Things needs ultra-compact supercapacitors

Increased demand for super tiny electronic sensors coming from healthcare, environmental services and the Internet of Things is prompting a search for equally tiny ways to power these sensors. A review of the state of ultracompact ...


Understanding why zinc-based fuel systems fail

While scientists have hoped that rechargeable zinc-manganese dioxide batteries could be developed into a viable alternative for grid storage applications, engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago and their colleagues ...