Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Newly developed electrolyte could boost renewable energy storage

Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are critical to sustaining our planet, but they come with a big challenge: They don't always generate power when it's needed. To make the most of them, we need efficient and affordable ...

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists reveal new electrochemical cell design for turning carbon dioxide into a green fuel

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have made strides forward in realizing industrial conversion of bicarbonate solution made from captured carbon to a formate solution, a green fuel. The research is published ...

Energy & Green Tech

More rooftop solar in cities would help solve NZ's energy crisis—and build disaster resilience

New Zealand's current electricity supply crisis requires immediate solutions.

Energy & Green Tech

Where in the world is closest to becoming a '15-minute city'?

Paris and Milan are among the cities closest to reaching the urban planning goal of being a "15-minute city," while car-dependent metropolises in the United States and elsewhere lag behind, a worldwide analysis said Monday.

Energy & Green Tech

Research explores potential of smart grid energy optimization

SUNY Poly Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Badr and peers recently published research titled "Reinforcement Learning for Fair and Efficient Charging Coordination for Smart Grid," in the journal Energies. The research investigates ...

Energy & Green Tech

New plan shows Australia's hydrogen dream is still alive

Producing hydrogen remains vital to Australia's prosperity through the net-zero transition, according to a major strategy that lays a national pathway to becoming a global leader in low-emissions technology.

Energy & Green Tech

Self-charging energy harvester generates electricity from seawater

An innovative energy harvester, capable of continuously producing electrical energy by utilizing the movement of the sodium ions contained in seawater, has been developed. This technology is anticipated to find applications ...


Bio-inspired wick enhances electronic chip cooling

A research team led by Prof. Ye Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China has developed an alumina ceramic bionic wick with finger-like pores inspired by the stomatal array of natural leaves. Their research ...

Energy & Green Tech

Can electric cars help strengthen electrical grids?

American homeowners with solar panels can sell the surplus electricity they generate back to their local grids. Should electric vehicle (EV) owners be able to do the same thing?

Energy & Green Tech

Study provides keys to managing influx of EV batteries

As electric vehicle production revs up across the globe, an inherent consequence will be the mutually growing number of retired lithium-ion batteries that, unlike traditional lead-acid car batteries, are difficult to dispose ...

Energy & Green Tech

Roasting coffee with the rays of the sun

Combining two of Italy's delights—coffee and sunshine—a couple of engineers in Rome have created an environmentally friendly way to roast coffee beans without electricity or gas.

Energy & Green Tech

Hydrophilic polymers: The key to a green future

Researchers from the University of Surrey and the University of Bristol are working on innovative devices to tame and store carbon-free renewable energy from unpredictable sources such as wind and solar.

Energy & Green Tech

COP26: How bricks could prove central in the drive to net zero

A Heriot-Watt University professor and co-founder of clean tech company Kenoteq, Professor Gabriela Medero, is calling for an overhaul of the construction industry during COP26, recommending an urgent shift to a circular ...

Energy & Green Tech

Passive solar could furnish a third of home heating needs

Skylights are an aesthetically pleasing design choice, but they're also an underappreciated source of sustainable heat energy for buildings, according to a new study from UO researchers.

Energy & Green Tech

Repurposing carbon dioxide may be key to net-zero emissions

While only a mere 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide plays a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. However, if this delicate balance is disrupted, excess carbon dioxide can pose a formidable threat to our ...

Energy & Green Tech

Bees, sheep, crops: Solar developers tout multiple benefits

Silflower was among native plants that blanketed the vast North American prairie until settlers developed farms and cities. Nowadays confined largely to roadsides and ditches, the long-stemmed cousin of the sunflower may ...

Energy & Green Tech

Is it green, or forever toxic? Nuclear rift at climate talks

Deep in a French forest of oaks, birches and pines, a steady stream of trucks carries a silent reminder of nuclear energy's often invisible cost: canisters of radioactive waste, heading into storage for the next 300 years.