Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Radiant-convective heating terminal show potential for improved indoor thermal environment for intermittent heating

A recent study published in Engineering, "Indoor Thermal Environment Improvement Based on Switchable Radiation/Convection-Combined Intermittent Heating: Comparison between Conventional Terminals and Integrated Novel Terminal," ...


Study highlights complex ocean conditions facing world's most powerful tidal turbine

The number of tidal power and other offshore renewable energy installations is set to grow significantly around the UK coastline over the coming decades.


Novel recycling process for rare-earth elements could improve green technology and boost carbon neutrality

In a recent study published in Engineering, researchers from Kyoto University have unveiled a novel method for the efficient separation and recycling of rare-earth elements (REEs) from end-of-life magnets. This innovative ...


Which is ecologically better: Concrete or plastic pipes?

On behalf of the FBS (Federal Association of Concrete Sewer Systems), Fraunhofer UMSICHT prepared a life cycle assessment of the environmental impact of wastewater pipes made of (steel) concrete. This also functions as an ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar panels soon may power and protect apple orchards

A small experimental apple orchard at Cornell's Hudson Valley Research Laboratory may soon be topped by solar panels, which would not only track the sun to capture energy, but provide a warm canopy on cooler spring days and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Study shows US can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035

Dramatically expanding climate-action policies across all levels of government, sectors of society and the economy could slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, according to a new report ...


Can cryptocurrencies ever be green?

Cryptocurrencies have been condemned over their environmental record at a time when traditional investments have been rapidly moving towards greener environmental, social and governance (ESG) values. So how long will it be ...

Energy & Green Tech

A call for electric car charging points at home

One of the many changes needed for Switzerland to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions is to make its road mobility electric, with sales on new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to cease by 2030 or soon after. As numerous ...

Energy & Green Tech

Weakness is strength for this low-temperature battery

Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have discovered new fundamental insights for developing lithium metal batteries that perform well at ultra-low temperatures; mainly, that the weaker the electrolyte ...


Image: Greener way to get satellites moving

A sustained test firing of a 'green' satellite thruster at Poland's Institute of Aviation, intended as a future alternative to today's hydrazine-based apogee engines, typically used by telecommunication satellites to maneuver ...

Energy & Green Tech

Low-income Californians pay unequal share of state's power costs

Californians not only pay some of the highest electricity rates in the country, but they pay two-to-three-times more for power than it costs to provide, according to a report by researchers at the Energy Institute at Haas ...

Energy & Green Tech

AI predicts if storms will cause blackouts many days in advance

In Finland, stormy weather can happen at any time of year. This is an issue because Finland is heavily forested, and falling trees can knock out power lines and disable transformers, causing power blackouts for hundreds of ...

Energy & Green Tech

USPS selects Oshkosh Defense to build greener mail truck

The United States Post Office said Tuesday that it has chosen Oshkosh Defense to build its next-generation mail-delivery vehicle, part of an effort to make the USPS more environmentally friendly by switching a portion of ...

Energy & Green Tech

Low-level jets create winds of change for turbines

As one of the leading sources of clean and renewable energy, global wind power capacity has increased more than fivefold over the past decade, leading to larger turbines and pushing wind technology to its limits.

Energy & Green Tech

Experts discuss what went wrong with Texas power grid

On Feb. 13, a severe winter storm swept across Texas and nearby southern states, bringing sub-zero temperatures and snowfall as far south as the border with Mexico. The polar air that descended on Texas lasted many days, ...


The perfect recipe for efficient perovskite solar cells

They have improved a process for vertically depositing a solution made from an inexpensive perovskite solute onto a moving substrate below. Not only have they discovered the crucial role played by one of the solvents used, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Should Uber and Lyft be electrifying more vehicles?

Professor Jeremy Michalek and his Ph.D student Matthew Bruchon have published a study investigating what vehicle electrification would look like in a world where ridesourcing companies like Uber and Lyft were held responsible ...