Hardware news


A pruning approach for neural network design optimized for specific hardware configurations

Neural network pruning is a key technique for deploying artificial intelligence (AI) models based on deep neural networks (DNNs) on resource-constrained platforms, such as mobile devices. However, hardware conditions and ...


How a national lab retires—and shreds—large computing resources

Ever wonder what happens to massive supercomputing systems when they're retired? Surprisingly, when it comes to the data, it's not too different from disposing of old documents—they go straight into a shredder and sent ...


Silicon chip propels 6G communications forward

A team of scientists has unlocked the potential of 6G communications with a new polarization multiplexer. Terahertz communications represent the next frontier in wireless technology, promising data transmission rates far ...


Miniaturized brain-machine interface processes neural signals in real time

Researchers from EPFL have developed a next-generation miniaturized brain-machine interface capable of direct brain-to-text communication on tiny silicon chips.


Thinking about the rise of brain-inspired computing

The recent widespread and long-lasting chaos caused by Microsoft outages across the globe exemplifies just how integral computing has become to our lives. Yet, as computer hardware and software improve, arguably the most ...


Neural network training made easy with smart hardware

Large-scale neural network models form the basis of many AI-based technologies such as neuromorphic chips, which are inspired by the human brain. Training these networks can be tedious, time-consuming, and energy-inefficient ...


What is the European sovereign cloud?

Billions of euros are flooding into the cloud industry in Europe, with US tech giants constructing vast data centers all around the continent.


AMD unveils new AI chips to challenge Nvidia

AMD on Monday announced its new artificial intelligence chips for everything from cutting-edge data centers to advanced laptops, ramping up its challenge to the runaway market leader Nvidia.


Foxconn eyes 40 percent global AI server market share

Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn said Friday its global market for artificial intelligence servers is expected to increase to 40 percent this year, with AI products being the main driver for growth.


A new lease on life for old laptops

Researchers in India have developed a tool that can estimate the remaining useful life of an otherwise obsolete laptop computer based on quality grading of two of its main components—hard drive and rechargeable lithium-ion ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Intel to unveil 10-core 5.3GHz processor

Two comets are headed our way later this month: One is the celestial kind, C/2019 Y4, expected to provide a spectacular nighttime light show as it comes closest to Earth late in May.


LVI: Intel processors still vulnerable to attack, study finds

Computer scientists at KU Leuven have once again exposed a security flaw in Intel processors. Jo Van Bulck, Frank Piessens, and their colleagues in Austria, the United States, and Australia gave the manufacturer one year's ...


Unfixable security flaw found in Intel chipset

The bad news: A security research firm has found that Intel chipsets used in computers over the past five years have a major flaw that allows hackers to bypass encryption codes and quietly install malware such as keyloggers.

Consumer & Gadgets

On Leap Year Day, Raspberry Pi 4 cost is sliced

The Raspberry Pi is putting a cherry on top of its 8th anniversary cake by offering its popular top-of-the-line computer module for just $35. It's a remarkable offer for a company that thrust itself onto the computer scene ...


Forensic methods for getting data from damaged mobile phones

Criminals sometimes damage their mobile phones in an attempt to destroy evidence. They might smash, shoot, submerge or cook their phones, but forensics experts can often retrieve the evidence anyway. Now, researchers at the ...


Wildland Data Logistics Network: Always there with delay

Since 2000, an average of 72,000 wildfires per year have cleared seven million acres of land in the United States. 2015 was the largest wildfire year in recorded American history, with more than 10 million acres of land burned ...