Internet news


One Tech Tip: Too many passwords to remember? Try using a password manager

Everyone has too many passwords. The credentials we need to remember to navigate online life keep multiplying, not just for frequently used email, banking, social media, Netflix and Spotify logins, but also, say, the little-known ...


Other countries have struggled to control how kids access the internet. What can Australia learn?

Debate continues to rage in Australia over whether children should (or can) be banned from social media. Following politicians' recent promises to ban those under 16 from the platforms, eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant ...


Transmitting the sense of touch via the internet

What JPEG, MP3 and MPEG are for images, audio and video, haptic codecs are for transmitting the sense of touch via the internet.


UN launches global principles to combat online hate and demands big tech take action now

The United Nations chief on Monday launched global principles to combat online hate and lies and demanded that big tech companies use their power to reduce the harm they are doing to people and societies around the world.


AI search answers are no substitute for good sources

If you have used Google lately and been lucky—or unlucky—enough to encounter an answer to your query rather than a bunch of links, you have been subjected to something called AI Overviews. This is a new core feature that ...