Communications of the ACM

Communications of the ACM (CACM) is the monthly journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Established in 1957, CACM is sent to all ACM members, currently numbering about 80,000. The articles are intended for readers with backgrounds in all areas of computer science and information systems. The focus is on the practical implications of advances in information technology and associated management issues; ACM also publishes a variety of more theoretical journals. CACM straddles the boundary of a science magazine, professional journal, and a scientific journal. While the content is subject to peer review (and is counted as such in many university assessments of research output), the articles published are often summaries of research that may also be published elsewhere. Material published must be accessible and relevant to a broad readership. On the publisher's website, CACM is filed in the category "magazines".

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Computer Sciences

Researchers develop the fastest possible flow algorithm

In a breakthrough that brings to mind Lucky Luke—the man who shoots faster than his shadow—Rasmus Kyng and his team have developed a superfast algorithm that looks set to transform an entire field of research.

Computer Sciences

Cloud services without servers: What's behind it

A new generation of cloud services is on the rise. It is based on the paradigm of "serverless computing," which is an active research topic at the Institute for Computer Science in Würzburg.


Robots and rights: Confucianism offers an alternative

Philosophers and legal scholars have explored significant aspects of the moral and legal status of robots, with some advocating for giving robots rights. As robots assume more roles in the world, a new analysis reviewed research ...

Computer Sciences

Optimization for resource management using multi-agent systems

Urban development is therefore becoming more important. The efficiency of existing real-world lift transport and road network systems can be measured through surveillance equipment such as cameras and global positioning system ...

Computer Sciences

Scientists look to AI for help in peer review

Peer review is a cornerstone of the scientific publishing process but could artificial intelligence help with the process? Computer scientists from the University of Bristol have reviewed how state-of-the-art tools from machine ...