Marketing Science

Marketing Science is the premier journal focusing on empirical and theoretical quantitative research in marketing.

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Study finds limited explanations in AI might benefit consumers

Recent algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI) are often referred to as "black box" models, meaning their inputs and operations are not visible to the user or any other party, making their decisions difficult to interpret. ...


New research puts your online privacy preferences to the test

When it comes to privacy, you've probably heard some say they "don't care about privacy if there's nothing to hide." Typically, someone who says this is not taking into account that you may have strong beliefs on the very ...


Music streaming consumption fell during COVID-19 lockdowns

The COVID-19 pandemic was expected to change how people consume media. A new study analyzed online music streaming data for top songs for two years in 60 countries, as well as COVID-19 case and lockdown statistics and daily ...

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