Other news


Medieval theology has an old take on a new problem: AI responsibility

A self-driving taxi has no passengers, so it parks itself in a lot to reduce congestion and air pollution. After being hailed, the taxi heads out to pick up its passenger—and tragically strikes a pedestrian in a crosswalk ...


New shirt offers better protection for wildland firefighters

A new protective shirt geared to the needs of wildland firefighters has been developed by University of Alberta researchers. The prototype garment offers more protection than the current version commonly worn by workers who ...


Older Americans prepare themselves for a world altered by artificial intelligence

The students—most with gray hair, some with canes, all at least in their 60s—couldn't believe what they were hearing.


Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO and longtime Google executive, has died at 56

Susan Wojcicki, a pioneering tech executive who helped shape Google and YouTube, has died, her husband said. She was 56.


Humans change their own behavior when training AI

A new cross-disciplinary study by Washington University in St. Louis researchers has uncovered an unexpected psychological phenomenon at the intersection of human behavior and artificial intelligence: When told they were ...


How to learn about a world-class double bass? Give it a CT

When you're an expert in medical CT imaging, two things are bound to happen, says Peter Noël, Ph.D., associate professor of Radiology and director of CT Research at the Perelman School of Medicine. One: You develop an insatiable ...


Barcelona aims to become Airbnb-free zone by 2029

Barcelona, one of Europe's most visited cities, said Friday it aims to ban apartment rentals to tourists by 2029 to ease the housing shortage in Spain's second largest city.


Bird strike: What happens when a plane collides with a bird?

Late last night, Virgin Australia flight VA 148 set out from Queenstown in New Zealand bound for Melbourne. Not long after takeoff, the right engine of the Boeing 737-800 jet started emitting loud bangs, followed by flames.


Bill Gates: Technological innovation would help solve hunger

Bill Gates says the global hunger crisis is so immense that food aid cannot fully address the problem. What's also needed, Gates argues, are the kinds of innovations in farming technology that he has long funded to try to ...


How brain-monitoring tech advances could change the law

A world-first report from Dr. Allan McCay scrutinizes advances in neurotechnology and what it might mean for the law and the legal profession. The paper calls for urgent consideration of how the new technology is to be regulated.


'True balance': Japan's quiet telework revolution

Posted far from home for his job at Japanese conglomerate Hitachi, father of two Tsutomu Kojima was "really lonely" until he began working remotely during the pandemic for the first time.


Human-like robots may be perceived as having mental states

When robots appear to engage with people and display human-like emotions, people may perceive them as capable of "thinking," or acting on their own beliefs and desires rather than their programs, according to research published ...


Teaching algorithms about skin tones

When Ellis Monk's wife became pregnant in 2019, the couple became curious about what skin tone their child might have. The subject was of more than passing interest to the sociology professor, some of whose work involves ...


How your brainwaves could be used in criminal trials

American Kevin Strickland was exonerated after spending 42 years in prison for being wrongfully convicted of a triple murder in November 2021. His 1978 conviction was based on mistaken identification of an eyewitness. The ...