The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

KAIST (formerly the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), is located in Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by the Korean government in 1971 as the nation's first research oriented science and engineering institution. The QS-The Times World University Rankings in the year of 2009 placed KAIST 69th overall and 21st in technology. The most recent 2011 QS World University Rankings however, ranked KAIST as 90th overall, and 27th in Engineering and IT.

291 Daehak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
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Brain-inspired artificial intelligence in robots

Research groups at KAIST, the University of Cambridge, Japan's National Institute for Information and Communications Technology, and Google DeepMind argue that our understanding of how humans make intelligent decisions has ...

Computer Sciences

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks

Researchers have found that higher visual cognitive functions can arise spontaneously in untrained neural networks. A KAIST research team led by Professor Se-Bum Paik from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering has shown ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Neuromorphic memory device simulates neurons and synapses

Researchers have reported a nano-sized neuromorphic memory device that emulates neurons and synapses simultaneously in a unit cell, another step toward completing the goal of neuromorphic computing designed to rigorously ...

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