Page 3 - University of Colorado at Boulder

Energy & Green Tech

Is the future of carbon-capture technology electrochemistry?

Humans send millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air each year—by generating electricity, manufacturing products, driving, flying and doing other routine activities. And while plants can absorb some of that ...


Incentives not a guarantee of more US-made semiconductors

A $52 billion federal package to incentivize U.S. production of semiconductor chips has energized the high-tech sector, but operations experts aren't convinced it will be the end to dramatic shortages that have created pain ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How to turn throwaway cardboard into a DIY arcade game

Like many people across Colorado, Peter Gyory spent the height of the COVID-19 pandemic sitting at home with nothing to do. Then the researcher, a game designer by training, noticed all the random materials he had lying around ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Creating a drag-friendly garment that changes in real time

Sarah Aguasvivas Manzano and her team's latest work has real-world, practical use. Wearable technology is being explored in the space industry for astronauts and big tech companies are eager for improvements to the inter-connected ...

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