Page 4 - University of Colorado at Boulder

Energy & Green Tech

How rising gas prices emphasize the need for renewable energy

The war in Ukraine has caused oil prices to surge to the highest level since 2008, with gas prices in some areas of California creeping up to $6 per gallon. Rising prices have led renewable energy advocates like Tesla CEO ...


Students break new ground in Hyperloop challenge

Imagine living in a city in the distant (or maybe not-so-distant) future: You need to make an appointment across town, so you step into a pod in an underground tunnel. From there, you're whizzed at breakneck speeds through ...


Engineers uncover the secrets of fish fins

Peer into any fishbowl, and you'll see that pet goldfish and guppies have nimble fins. With a few flicks of these appendages, aquarium swimmers can turn in circles, dive deep down or even bob to the surface.

Electronics & Semiconductors

AI may soon predict how electronics fail

Think of them as master Lego builders, only at an atomic scale. Engineers at CU Boulder have taken a major step forward in combing advanced computer simulations with artificial intelligence to try to predict how electronics, ...

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