Security news


Police are probing apparent cyber vandalism on Wi-Fi networks at UK train stations

U.K. transport officials and police said Thursday they are investigating a "cyber-security incident" after users of public Wi-Fi networks at the country's biggest railway stations reported being shown anti-Muslim messages.


AI is fueling a deepfake porn crisis in South Korea. What's behind it—and how can it be fixed?

It's difficult to talk about artificial intelligence without talking about deepfake porn—a harmful AI byproduct that has been used to target everyone from Taylor Swift to Australian school girls.


How did they get my data? I uncovered the hidden web of networks behind telemarketers

Last year, I started getting a lot of unsolicited phone calls, mainly from people trying to sell me things. This came as a surprise because, as a data scientist, I am very careful about what personal information I let out ...


Ukraine bans Telegram messenger app on state-issued devices because of Russian security threat

Ukraine has banned government officials, military personnel and other defense and critical infrastructure workers from installing the popular Telegram messaging app on state-issued devices, describing the move as necessary ...


Encrypted 'Ghost' app: What we know

Police revealed Tuesday they had infiltrated and taken down an encrypted chat app called Ghost used by criminals across the world.


'Good complexity' can make hospital networks more cybersecure

In May, a major cyberattack disabled clinical operations for nearly a month at Ascension, a health care provider that includes 140 hospitals across the U.S. Investigators tracked the problem to malicious ransomware that had ...


New tools use AI 'fingerprints' to detect altered photos, videos

As artificial intelligence networks become more skilled and easier to access, digitally manipulated "deepfake" photos and videos are increasingly difficult to detect. New research led by Binghamton University, State University ...


Usable data hacked from air-gapped computer

A team of software and information systems engineers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel, has demonstrated an ability to extract useful data from an air-gapped computer. The group has posted a paper to the arXiv ...


Five notorious cyberattacks that targeted governments

Warfare is no longer confined to physical battlefields. In the digital age, a new front has emerged—cyberspace. Here, countries clash not with bullets and bombs, but with lines of code and sophisticated malware.


Fourteen new types of attacks on web browsers detected

IT security experts have identified 14 new types of attacks on web browsers that are known as cross-site leaks, or XS-Leaks. Using XS-Leaks, a malicious website can grab personal data from visitors by interacting with other ...


Data hacked for 400,000 Planned Parenthood LA patients

The Los Angeles branch of Planned Parenthood was hit by a data breach involving about 400,000 patients, but there is no indication that the information was used "for fraudulent purposes," the group said.


A deep learning-based framework to detect phishing websites

Most of us will have received a scam email that looks like it has come from our bank or an online store or other company or organization. They can look genuine but usually hidden within are malicious links that once clicked ...


Creating deeper defense against cyber attacks

To address the growing threat of cyberattacks on industrial control systems, a KAUST team including Fouzi Harrou, Wu Wang and led by Ying Sun has developed an improved method for detecting malicious intrusions.

Computer Sciences

Avoid a privacy nightmare with 'Lean Privacy Review'

When Google launched its own attempt at a social network—Google Buzz—back in 2010, the company initially suffered a PR nightmare. "WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw," read Business Insider. It turned out, Google ...


This tool protects your private data while you browse

A team of computer scientists at the University of California San Diego and Brave Software have developed a tool that will increase protections for users' private data while they browse the web.


Suspect arrested in China digital yuan scam

Chinese police said Wednesday they have arrested a suspect in a digital currency scam who allegedly swindled thousands of dollars in one of the first such cases involving the central bank's new e-wallets.


Serious security vulnerabilities in DRAM memory devices

Researchers at ETH Zurich have discovered major vulnerabilities in DRAM memory devices, which are widely used in computers, tablets and smartphones. The vulnerabilities have now been published together with the National Cyber ...