Security news


Encrypted 'Ghost' app: What we know

Police revealed Tuesday they had infiltrated and taken down an encrypted chat app called Ghost used by criminals across the world.


Australian police infiltrate encrypted messaging app Ghost and arrest dozens

Australian police said Wednesday they have infiltrated Ghost, an encrypted global communications app developed for criminals, leading to dozens of arrests.


Global powers are grappling with 'responsible' use of military AI. What would that look like?

Last week, some 2,000 government officials and experts from around the world met for the REAIM (Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain) summit in Seoul, South Korea. This was the second event of its kind, ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Inspired by squids and octopi, a new screen stores and displays encrypted images without electronics

A flexible screen inspired in part by squid can store and display encrypted images like a computer—using magnetic fields rather than electronics. The research is reported in Advanced Materials by University of Michigan ...


New tools use AI 'fingerprints' to detect altered photos, videos

As artificial intelligence networks become more skilled and easier to access, digitally manipulated "deepfake" photos and videos are increasingly difficult to detect. New research led by Binghamton University, State University ...


Usable data hacked from air-gapped computer

A team of software and information systems engineers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel, has demonstrated an ability to extract useful data from an air-gapped computer. The group has posted a paper to the arXiv ...


Five notorious cyberattacks that targeted governments

Warfare is no longer confined to physical battlefields. In the digital age, a new front has emerged—cyberspace. Here, countries clash not with bullets and bombs, but with lines of code and sophisticated malware.


Will congestion charging come with a privacy toll?

As New Zealand edges closer to adopting congestion charging in its busiest cities, University of Auckland researchers are highlighting a critical but often overlooked issue: privacy.


Rural hospitals may be more vulnerable to ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks in the health care sector have more than doubled in the past five years. Among providers, hospitals experience the highest rate of operational disturbances including restricted access to servers, disrupted ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How smart toys may be spying on kids: What parents need to know

Toniebox, Tiptoi, and Tamagotchi are smart toys, offering interactive play through software and internet access. However, many of these toys raise privacy concerns, and some even collect extensive behavioral data about children, ...


Team creates software to block AI phishing scams

A team of researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington has developed software that prevents artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots such as ChatGPT from creating phishing websites—a growing concern as cybercriminals ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New quantum random number generator achieves 2 Gbit/s speed

The reliable generation of random numbers has become a central component of information and communications technology. In fact, random number generators, algorithms or devices that can produce random sequences of numbers, ...