
New AI technology to measure the noisiness of upstairs neighbors

Some people can't sleep well because of the noise from above: Noisy upstairs neighbors. In South Korea, these sleepless nights happen in many places because of the noise from upstairs neighbors. Living in the apartment units ...

Computer Sciences

Computer approaches human skill for first time in mapping brain

A WSU research team for the first time has developed a computer algorithm that is nearly as accurate as people are at mapping brain neural networks—a breakthrough that could speed up the image analysis that researchers ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence brings greater precision to operations

Operations based on an MRI or CT scan are made trickier by the fact that people can never lie completely still. Doctoral candidate Koen Eppenhof has shown that an algorithm based on deep learning can be used to correct for ...

Energy & Green Tech

Novel strategy proposed for all-climate zinc-ion batteries

In a study published in Advanced Energy Materials, researchers have constructed a hydrogel electrolyte formula by using ClO4- anions and polyacrylamide chains to anchor water molecules, while glucose molecules preferentially ...

Energy & Green Tech

Coordinated development could help wind farms be better neighbors

As onshore and offshore wind energy farms have proliferated globally in recent years, new research led by the University of Colorado Boulder highlights a previously underexplored consequence: a wake effect from upwind wind ...


Detecting nuclear threats with artificial reasoning

As malicious actors become more adept in their attempts to circumvent international nuclear nonproliferation safeguards, the United States government has invested in research to better detect bad actors' malign activities. ...

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