
Digital divide hinders rural innovation, study shows

Cloud-based computing directly contributes to business innovation, but rural businesses lacking sufficient broadband capacity to access cloud services are missing out on their innovation-boosting potential, according to a ...


Software tool could help architects design efficient buildings

Typically, when architects or engineers design a new building, it's only at the end of the process—if ever—that a life cycle analysis of the building's environmental impact is carried out. And by then, it may be too late ...

Machine learning & AI

Transforming the future of media with artificial intelligence

With the ability to analyze large datasets to identify patterns and predict outcomes, all at the click of a button, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we live and work. From offering personalized recommendations ...


Study identifies top reasons for sewer line failure

Concrete sewer pipes around the world are most likely to fail either because their concrete is not strong enough or because they can't handle the weight of trucks that drive over them, a new study indicates.

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