Machine learning & AI

'Extreme boosting' AI model can cut through social media 'noise'

Social media offers a treasure trove of data for researchers to understand how organizations and individuals use the technology to communicate with and grow their base of followers. However, manually analyzing the content ...


Auto suppliers hit as GM strike in US grinds on

As the General Motors strike grinds on, more auto suppliers and contractors are sending workers home, adding to the economic drag on Michigan and other US midwestern car manufacturing hubs.


Keeping up with the conversation

Most people find it difficult to concentrate on a specific voice in a busy environment, but for those who are hard of hearing it's especially challenging. Now, however, a new type of hearing aid, developed with the assistance ...


Many still use Twitter to just hang out

As a social media platform, Twitter does not have the most glowing reputation. If you just rely on what you hear about it, you might think Twitter is no more than a hotbed for raging politics and viral campaign hashtags. ...

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