
Origami-inspired antenna technology for use in small satellites

Modern telecommunication systems rely on satellites to relay signals across the globe quickly and reliably, enabling users to send messages across the world in an instant, watch live television, or—more recently—hold ...


Enhancing the performance of future 5G cellular networks

Society relies heavily on wireless communication. Many individuals have access to at least one mobile phone; in fact, there are more mobile phones in use than the current population of the planet. Within five years, predictions ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Two apps to help you locate broadcast towers

I have been having some pixelization on my TV picture in the past week or so, and I finally got frustrated enough to get the ladder out of the garage and climb up on the roof to adjust my antenna.


Tiny antennas show promise in defense sector

Electrical engineering research into extremely small antennas has made progress that could have a major impact on secure information exchange, giving the U.S. access to a band of frequency no other country can reach.


How a drone can soar without using GPS

Drones use GPS to find their way without a pilot. But GPS signals can be easily blocked by tall skyscrapers or trees—leaving drones lost.

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