
Faster-than-reflexes robo-boots boost balance

Robotic boots providing superhuman reflexes can help your balance. Our new study shows that the key to augmenting balance is to have boots that can act faster than human reaction times.

Machine learning & AI

Giving computers a voice

From Alexa and Siri to translation programs and computer-generated news, anything seems possible these days.The Media Technology Center is searching for applications that could lend a hand with day-to-day editorial work.


In the shoes of a robot: The future approaches

Identifying with someone is an exercise that helps us understand them deeply, empathize with them, and helps us overcome mistrust and prejudice. And this occurs even when that someone is a robot. These interpersonal dynamics ...

Consumer & Gadgets

People are too trusting of virtual assistants

Attributing lifelike qualities to virtual assistants could cause people to reveal more personal information to the companies that own them than they otherwise would, according to a new study.

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