
Giving smart vehicles their sense of direction

Scientists around the world are racing to develop self-driving vehicles, but a few essential components have yet to be perfected. One is localization—the vehicle's ability to determine its place and motion. Another is mapping—the ...


Israel unveils prototype 'tanks of the future'

Israel unveiled options Sunday for its "combat vehicle of the future"—a tank with large touchscreens, 360-degree vision and, in one prototype, a video game-style controller.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Tesla CEO plans to hand the car keys to robots next year

Tesla CEO Elon Musk expects to start converting the company's electric cars into fully self-driving vehicles next year as part of an audacious plan to create a network of robotic taxis to compete against Uber and other ride-hailing ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Waymo to sell its self-driving tech to outside firms

Waymo, the former Google car division developing self-driving technology, said Wednesday it would sell a key innovation to companies that don't compete with its autonomous cars.

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