
Stanford autonomous car learns to handle unknown conditions

Researchers at Stanford University have developed a new way of controlling autonomous cars that integrates prior driving experiences—a system that will help the cars perform more safely in extreme and unknown circumstances. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

How should autonomous vehicles be programmed?

A massive new survey developed by MIT researchers reveals some distinct global preferences concerning the ethics of autonomous vehicles, as well as some regional variations in those preferences.

Computer Sciences

New AI technique creates 3-D shapes from 2-D images

A new technique that uses the artificial intelligence methods of machine learning and deep learning is able to create 3-D shapes from 2-D images, such as photographs, and is even able to create new, never-before-seen shapes.


Giving robots a sense of touch

Eight years ago, Ted Adelson's research group at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) unveiled a new sensor technology, called GelSight, that uses physical contact with an object to provide ...


Robots, like animals, can adapt after injuries

Fish fins and insect wings are amazing pieces of natural engineering capable of efficiently moving their owners through water or air. People creating machines to swim or fly have long looked to animals as their models, designing ...

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