
World first concept for rechargeable cement-based batteries

Imagine an entire 20-storey concrete building that can store energy like a giant battery. Thanks to unique research from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, this vision could someday be a reality. Researchers from ...

Energy & Green Tech

Battery parts can be recycled without crushing or melting

The proliferation of electric cars, smartphones, and portable devices is leading to an estimated 25 percent increase globally in the manufacturing of rechargeable batteries each year. Many raw materials used in the batteries, ...


Doubling the charging-recharging cycle of lithium batteries

The promotion of electric cars has dramatically increased the demand for lithium-ion batteries. However, cobalt and nickel, the main cathode materials for the batteries, are not abundant. If the consumption continues, it ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Chemists develop polymer cathodes for ultrafast batteries

In the face of the surging demand for lithium-ion batteries and limited lithium reserves, scientists are searching for alternatives to the lithium technology. Russian researchers from Skoltech, D. Mendeleev University, and ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Highly conductive antiperovskites with soft anion lattices

A new structural arrangement of atoms shows promise for developing safer batteries made with solid materials. Scientists at Kyoto University's Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) designed a new type of ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Anode material for safe batteries with a long cycle life

Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Jilin University in Changchun/China investigated a highly promising anode material for future high-performance batteries—lithium lanthanum titanate with a perovskite ...

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