Computer Sciences

Scientists tackle AI bias with polite prodding

The troubling presence of racial bias in AI output may be easier to contain than many thought. Scientists at AI research company Anthropic say a little politeness may just do the trick, at least in some instances.


Researchers see bias in self-driving software

Autonomous vehicle software used to detect pedestrians is unable to correctly identify dark-skinned individuals as often as those who are light-skinned, according to researchers at King's College in London and Peking University ...


Can we rid artificial intelligence of bias?

Artificial intelligence built on mountains of potentially biased information has created a real risk of automating discrimination, but is there any way to re-educate the machines?

Machine learning & AI

A method to interpret AI might not be so interpretable after all

As autonomous systems and artificial intelligence become increasingly common in daily life, new methods are emerging to help humans check that these systems are behaving as expected. One method, called formal specifications, ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Research shows humans can inherit AI biases

New research by psychologists Lucía Vicente and Helena Matute from Deusto University in Bilbao, Spain, provides evidence that people can inherit artificial intelligence biases (systematic errors in AI outputs) in their decisions.

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