Energy & Green Tech

A paper battery powered by bacteria

In remote areas of the world or in regions with limited resources, everyday items like electrical outlets and batteries are luxuries. Health care workers in these areas often lack electricity to power diagnostic devices, ...


Microsoft adds features to its Teams groupchat product

Microsoft Corp. has announced on its blog that it has added new features to Microsoft Teams, a group chat competitor to Zoom. In its announcement, Microsoft outlined the new features and included screen grabs to demonstrate ...


Robots may become heroes in war on coronavirus

Long maligned as job-stealers and aspiring overlords, robots are being increasingly relied on as fast, efficient, contagion-proof champions in the war against the deadly coronavirus.


Intelligent boot created for health care workers

Monash University and Blundstone Australia have created a hi-tech boot concept designed to address the specific needs of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals.

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