Computer Sciences

Alphabet's DeepMind masters Atari games

In order to better solve complex challenges at the dawn of the third decade of the 21st century, Alphabet Inc. has tapped into relics dating to the 1980s: video games.


RoboBee powered by soft muscles

The sight of a RoboBee careening towards a wall or crashing into a glass box may have once triggered panic in the researchers in the Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Flying high: UK's modern-day green airship takes shape

Britain's innovative Airlander 10 airship could soon take to the skies to offer leisure passengers panoramic views and far less pollution than traditional aircraft, according to its manufacturer.

Energy & Green Tech

New study finds electric vehicles are driven less than gas cars

Mass adoption of electric vehicles (EV) is a key part of plans to decarbonize the United States' energy system. As EV ownership in the U.S. increases, understanding how much EV owners are driving their cars informs everything ...

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