Computer Sciences

Let's talk about the elephant in the data

You would not be surprised to see an elephant in the savanna or a plate in your kitchen. Based on your prior experiences and knowledge, you know that is where elephants and plates are often to be found. If you saw a mysterious ...

Computer Sciences

A new tool for data scientists and biologists and more

The social network Linkedin will tell a user how he/she is connected to another. In real life, points of connection are not always that evident. However, identifying patterns or relationships and commonalities among entities ...

Computer Sciences

Taking machine thinking out of the black box

Software applications provide people with many kinds of automated decisions, such as identifying what an individual's credit risk is, informing a recruiter of which job candidate to hire, or determining whether someone is ...

Computer Sciences

Device allows a personal computer to process huge graphs

In data-science parlance, graphs are structures of nodes and connecting lines that are used to map scores of complex data relationships. Analyzing graphs is useful for a broad range of applications, such as ranking webpages, ...

Computer Sciences

An unbiased approach for sifting through big data

Researchers have developed a complex system model to evaluate the health of populations in some U.S. cities based only on the most significant variables expressed in available data. Their unbiased, network-based probabilistic ...

Machine learning & AI

AI could transform ethics committees

The role of an ethics committee is to give advice on what should be done in often contentious situations. They are used in medicine, research, business, law and a variety of other areas.

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