Computer Sciences

Researchers create framework for large-scale geospatial exploration

When combating complex problems like illegal poaching and human trafficking, efficient yet broad geospatial search tools can provide critical assistance in finding and stopping the activity. A visual active search (VAS) framework ...


An AI model to predict parking availability

In the ever-changing landscape of smart city innovation, researchers have introduced the Residual Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network (RST-GCNN), which could help users find an on-street parking space more ...


Honeybee behavior informs efficiency of wind farms

An algorithm based on the altruistic behavior of honeybees could help those designing wind farms know exactly where to plant each turbine in the array to maximize efficiency and energy output from the wind farm. A team from ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

From bits to p-bits: One step closer to probabilistic computing

Tohoku University scientists in Japan have developed a mathematical description of what happens within tiny magnets as they fluctuate between states when an electric current and magnetic field are applied. Their findings, ...

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