
Adaptive smart glove can teach new physical skills

You've likely met someone who identifies as a visual or auditory learner, but others absorb knowledge through a different modality: touch. Being able to understand tactile interactions is especially important for tasks such ...


'Bleep-bloop-bleep! Say "cheese," human'

Good portrait photography is as much art as it is science. There are technical details like composition and lighting, but there's also a matter of connecting emotionally with the photo's subjects. Can you teach that to a ...


Fast mitigation of power grid instability risks

Skoltech scientists in collaboration with researchers from the University of Arizona and the Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed an approach that allows power grids to return to stability fast after demand response ...

Machine learning & AI

Examining the dynamics of complex networks

A special issue of EPJST, edited by Dr. Jurgen Kurths, Senior Advisor at the Research Department for Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and Professor and Senior Advisor at Humboldt University, ...

Energy & Green Tech

More efficient biosolar cells modelled on nature

Potential sources of renewable energy include protein complexes that are responsible for photosynthesis. However, their efficiency in technical applications still leaves much to be desired. For example, they cannot convert ...

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