
A new message encryption scheme inspired by the Sudoku puzzle

A novel advance in data security is discussed in the International Journal of Information and Computer Security in which the Japanese puzzle known as Sudoku promises a cryptographic system for text information that works ...


Responsive soft robots inspired by sputtering ketchup bottle

A smartly designed pressure valve allows soft robots to respond to their environment without the need for computer control, reveal AMOLF researchers in their article in the journal Matter. That brings robots with natural ...

Computer Sciences

Do humans think computers make fair decisions?

Today, machine learning helps determine the loan we qualify for, the job we get, and even who goes to jail. But when it comes to these potentially life-altering decisions, can computers make a fair call? In a study published ...

Computer Sciences

Machines that see the world more like humans do

Computer vision systems sometimes make inferences about a scene that fly in the face of common sense. For example, if a robot were processing a scene of a dinner table, it might completely ignore a bowl that is visible to ...


Computer scientists paint a picture of six decades of movies

From the sepia tones of a Coen brothers film set in the Dust Bowl to a child's red coat in "Schindler's List," filmmakers have long known the power of color in movies. Now, computer scientists have analyzed 60 years of films ...

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