
How AI image generators could help robots

AI image generators, which create fantastical sights at the intersection of dreams and reality, bubble up on every corner of the web. Their entertainment value is demonstrated by an ever-expanding treasure trove of whimsical ...


Robots learn household tasks by watching humans

The robot watched as Shikhar Bahl opened the refrigerator door. It recorded his movements, the swing of the door, the location of the fridge and more, analyzing this data and readying itself to mimic what Bahl had done.

Computer Sciences

NIST announces first four quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms

The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has chosen the first group of encryption tools that are designed to withstand the assault of a future quantum computer, which could potentially ...

Machine learning & AI

A novel AI algorithm for digital pathology analysis

Digital pathology is an emerging field which deals mainly with microscopy images that are derived from patient biopsies. Because of the high resolution, most of these whole slide images (WSI) have a large size, typically ...


Mismanaged cloud services put user data at risk

Organizations' failure to properly manage the servers they lease from cloud service providers can allow attackers to receive private data, research my colleagues and I conducted has shown.

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