Energy & Green Tech

Nuclear becomes latest round in energy wars

The government has formally reopened the highly contentious debate on nuclear power by referring the issue to a parliamentary committee, with it to report by the end of the year.

Energy & Green Tech

Magnetism: An unexpected push for the hydrogen economy

Humankind has entered uncharted territory: atmospheric CO2 levels have soared to a record-breaking 415 ppm for the first time in human history. The need to find a sustainable alternative to CO2-producing fuels is urgent. ...

Machine learning & AI

CycleMatch: a new approach for matching images and text

Researchers at Leiden University and the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), in China, have recently developed a new approach for image-text matching, called CycleMatch. Their approach, presented in a paper ...

Energy & Green Tech

Startup aims to clean up the lithium-ion battery supply chain

Li-Cycle was little more than a drawing on the back of a napkin in a Yorkville coffee shop three years ago. Today, the startup founded by University of Toronto alumni is on the verge of an international expansion that its ...


Software tool could help architects design efficient buildings

Typically, when architects or engineers design a new building, it's only at the end of the process—if ever—that a life cycle analysis of the building's environmental impact is carried out. And by then, it may be too late ...

Computer Sciences

Using Google Street View to estimate travel patterns in cities

A study published today in PLOS ONE indicates that Google Street View has the potential to estimate how common cycling is in cities, and potentially other travel patterns too. The analysis of 2,000 Google Street View images ...

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