Machine learning & AI

AI could transform ethics committees

The role of an ethics committee is to give advice on what should be done in often contentious situations. They are used in medicine, research, business, law and a variety of other areas.

Energy & Green Tech

Predicting the energy balance algorithmically

A team in Turkey has tested different machine-learning algorithms for predicting electricity demand from different sources. They trained the algorithms on electricity demand data for the period 2000–2022 and used them to ...

Machine learning & AI

Ten ways artificial intelligence will shape the next five years

Over the past year, artificial intelligence has made a significant impact on the world. While most of us have noticed the advancements in text and image tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, a deeper revolution is happening ...


AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

From "Law and Order" to "CSI," not to mention real life, investigators have used fingerprints as the gold standard for linking criminals to a crime. But if a perpetrator leaves prints from different fingers in two different ...

Computer Sciences

Large sequence models for sequential decision-making

Transformer architectures have facilitated the development of large-scale and general-purpose sequence models for prediction tasks in natural language processing and computer vision, for example, GPT-3 and Swin Transformer.


Research group releases white papers on governance of AI

Providing a resource for U.S. policymakers, a committee of MIT leaders and scholars has released a set of policy briefs that outlines a framework for the governance of artificial intelligence. The approach includes extending ...

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