Machine learning & AI

Teaching AI to identify colors in the dark

A team of researchers at the University of California used deep learning to enable limited color vision in the dark. The group published a paper describing their work on the open-access site PLOS ONE.

Electronics & Semiconductors

A diffractive neural network that can be flexibly programmed

In recent decades, machine learning and deep learning algorithms have become increasingly advanced, so much so that they are now being introduced in a variety of real-world settings. In recent years, some computer scientists ...

Machine learning & AI

Deep learning: A framework for image analysis in life sciences

Scientists are constantly seeking imaging systems that are faster, more powerful and capable of supporting longer observation times. This is especially true in life sciences, where objects of interest are rarely visible to ...


Modular and scalable AI-based financial portfolio management

The ability to predict movements in the stock market can be an extremely lucrative skill. For portfolio managers, who reallocate capital into the multiple assets of a portfolio, predicting price trends enables them to maximize ...

Computer Sciences

Injecting fairness into machine-learning models

If a machine-learning model is trained using an unbalanced dataset, such as one that contains far more images of people with lighter skin than people with darker skin, there is serious risk the model's predictions will be ...

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