Machine learning & AI

Improve machine learning performance by dropping the zeros

KAUST researchers have found a way to significantly increase the speed of training. Large machine learning models can be trained significantly faster by observing how frequently zero results are produced in distributed machine ...

Computer Sciences

Doubling the performance of visual recognition AI

Prof. Sunghoon Im, from the Department of Information & Communication Engineering, DGIST, developed an artificial intelligence(AI) neural network module that can separate and convert environmental information in the form ...

Computer Sciences

How will machine learning change science?

Machine learning has burst onto the scene in the past two decades and will be a defining technology of the future. It is transforming large sectors of society, including healthcare, education, transport, and food and industrial ...

Machine learning & AI

Scientists adopt deep learning for multi-object tracking

Computer vision has progressed much over the past decade and made its way into all sorts of relevant applications, both in academia and in our daily lives. There are, however, some tasks in this field that are still extremely ...

Computer Sciences

EventDrop: a method to augment asynchronous event data

Event sensors, such as DVS event cameras and NeuTouch tactile sensors, are sophisticated bio-inspired devices that mimic event-driven communication mechanisms naturally occurring in the brain. In contrast with conventional ...

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