
Apple CEO escalates battle with Facebook over online privacy

Apple CEO Tim Cook fired off a series of thinly veiled shots at Facebook and other social media companies Thursday, escalating an online privacy battle pitting the iPhone maker against digital services that depend on tracking ...


Recruiting digital twins to fix the factory

Research in the International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics discusses how the concept of the digital twin might be used to improve factory layout. The approach could cut the time and resources needed to design ...


China passes tough new online privacy law

China passed a sweeping privacy law aimed at preventing businesses from collecting sensitive personal data Friday, as the country faces an uptick in internet scams and Beijing targets tech giants hoovering up personal data.


Cookie banner design can affect users' privacy choices

Data privacy is an important topic in the digitalised economy. Recent policy changes have aimed to strengthen users' control over their own data. Yet new research from Copenhagen Business School finds designers of cookie ...


Intel tops expectations as chip demand high

US semiconductor giant Intel on Thursday said it took in more money than expected in the first quarter amid "explosive" growth in demand for computer chips.

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